Sense October 2023 after exposing Magna Carta Law Firm in Pattaya for fraud and corruption covering up for Nova involved in high level fraud; I received no communication from Magna Carta or Nova about this.
On February 22nd 2024 I gave Nova a chance to prevent the publishing of this page. I requested the names of the individuals who signed the bank withdrawal document to withdraw my years of annual fees from the Juristic account, in return I would not publish this page. They refused.
Now it is time for a Criminal Investigation to be carried out.
Update: December 16th, 2024,
After accusing the SCB bank of fraud and corruption, I am highly recommending to every potential customer to choose the SCB bank to conduct their transactions. After spending some time in the SCB bank to-day Dec 16th, dealing with the most friendly and caring staff, it was a very strange feeling for me after publishing the original headline over two years ago. As I have mentioned before, no evidence of any management was involved. The staff member involved is now gone, and no doubt has destroyed her career, and will never work in a bank again. Some staff members in the SCB I know for over fifteen years, and you could not meet nicer staff in any other bank. The Irish are known for being friendly, but the staff in the SCB are above the Irish.
There are always one or two bad apples in every company in every discipline. When a company gets a bad name, it reflects on the honest, hardworking employees who plays no role in what's going on. (A good example of this is Boeing, honest workers who take pride in their work who are targeted) I have no problem in continuing to deal with the SCB.
If the SCB bank would like me to remove this page I will, but I think it is to their interest to keep it live, as sometime in the future, when the time is right these websites will be receiving over twenty million views, and that is a conservative number. Realistically I would anticipate closer to one hundred million. Globel exposure is only the first part of Justice, Jail is the second part.
(1) REWARD of 80,000 euro.
(2) REWARD of 50,000 euro
(3) REWARD of 90,000 euro.