I am now willing to go broke to make sure everyone involved in this major fraud and corruption are sentenced and exposed on national media.

Reward 80,000 euro.

It's verified up to November 2019 my water filter system was being poisoned with toxic and pharmaceutical substances. I am offering a reward of 80,000 euro for any information leading to the conviction of any individual involved.

Reward of 50,000 euro.

I had up to 20,000 euro withdrawn from my AIB Bank account. This money was withdrawn in large amounts over a very short period from the ATM machine at Sutton Cross Dublin. I am now offering a reward of 50,000 euro for information leading to the conviction of the individuals involved.

Reward of 90,000 euro.

I now have someone remote accessing my laptop and mobile phones that is bringing back key information to criminals. That includes all my flight bookings and the locations of my accommodation and all my contacts. I am now offering a reward of 90,000 euro for information leading to the conviction of these individuals involved.

All replies send to;
Garda National Bureau of Criminal Investigation,
Harcourt Square,
Harcourt Street,
Dublin 2,
D02 DH42.

The Garda Bureau will decide who receives the rewards.